Empowering Communities
Dedicated to aiding vulnerable populations through various projects and impactful initiatives.
About Us
Oumoul Khora al-Kheiria is a non-profit association dedicated to aiding those in need through various projects. We specialize in constructing wells and mosques, distributing nutrition and foodstuffs, organizing Ramadan fast-breaking, and sacrificial offerings. Our assistance targets vulnerable populations with a focus on orphaned children.
Driven by compassion, we strive to understand and cater to the unique needs of those we serve.
Working hand-in-hand with local communities and partners to maximize the positive impact of our projects.

Our Vision
To create a world where all individuals have access to essential resources and opportunities for a prosperous and dignified life.
Our Mission
To alleviate the hardships faced by vulnerable populations through sustainable projects and initiatives focused on education, health, and empowerment.